What is a search engine advertising?
A search engine advertising is a type of Internet advertising, located in search engine systems together with the search results, as well as in the website pages. Its special feature is the dependency from a user's search request.
A search engine advertising attracts target users to the site, i.e. the users, which are already interested in the purchase of a specified product or a service, which means in your products and services.
The key features of search engine advertising are:
- the possibility to work with small budgets within one region or within a restricted topic;
- an exact correlation of costs and results – a client pays only for those users, who visited the site.
Why choose us?
Our experience speaks for itself. We have been working in search engine advertisement for more than 6 years.
Skills – using all the array of features of search engine advertising, we can transform a client's site into an effective business instrument, which can solve marketing tasks.
What do we do?
We carefully select the requests with maximal effectiveness, at the same time minimizing the advertisement costs of our client.
We do not collect fees for planning and performing an advertising campaign and work by the prices of search engine advertisement systems.
For detailed information on cooperation call us +7 (499) 403-34-32.